Will history repeat itself in Hip-hop? Lets hope.

Time and time again we see trends whether it be music or fashion, repeat itself. Right now we're in an era where everyone has the opportunity to develop a project and efficiently share it with the world (successful or not).

With the platforms like Soundcloud or Spotify being more accessible to the general public, it makes it possible for your average Joe to stir up the pot and release a great projects. This is creating lanes for producers to call their work one-hundred percent theirs, owning all the rights etc. It's reasonable to argue that hip hop/rap's golden era in the 90’s ,was the best due to the variety and authenticity of work that was being put it out. Pioneers like Notorious B.I.G and powerhouse group Wu-tang-Clan paved way for gritty-controversial topics.

Unfortunately we are seeing (some) regression with social justice issues and equality. They say there is a silver lining in everything and I think HipHop is going to grow stronger due to external factors. Hip-hop was powerful in the 1990’s due to the circumstances of racial tension and government policies, this included having powerful messages for communities and having call to action campaigns through music.

Hip-hop is a powerful entity and if used correctly can and will, achieve great things.

If history repeats itself within hip-hop we will gain so much more than authenticity and uniqueness, we will gain absence of subjection.