The Demise of buying physical records/CDs.

Anyone born in the 90’s or before knows the bomb ass feeling of buying a CD or record. The shit is phenomenal, you get your hard copy of whatever and it comes with cover art, a title list and sometimes a poster or some type of promotional insert. The game is completely different these days with leaks and instant access to stream any song you desire via Spotify or whichever music application you may use.  

Photo: Twin Cities Hip-hop Corner

Photo: Twin Cities Hip-hop Corner

CDs and records pressured fans to listen to a complete works of art due to the nature of spending money on the record and going out of your way to purchase it. In the age of non-existent Amazon this was a big deal. Especially if you were a youngin without a car let alone a driver's license, copping the new drop was status and this applied to any music genre really.  This is where the streaming of music VS the sales of physical copies gets people goin’.

The hustle of selling CDs was a lot more work and should be respected more, classics like Snoop and Em’ are still relevant and are still keeping up with demand for the most part.

I remember copping an MF DOOM tape titled '’ back in Oh four. That shit slapped but my point is that it came with the most remarkable CD/record packaging I have ever seen. It was wrapped in some all- silver tinfoil material that you would see on a candy bar or something. It was fucking insane.

At the end of the day it's 10x easier and convenient for the modern person to stream they're favorite music. Technology is a beautiful thing that has made music easier to access but at the same time losing some of the more personable essence that the hard copies delivered.