Twin Cities Hip-hop Corner

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The Marathon Continues...

Nipsey Hussle was murdered at age 33 in front of the clothing store he owned ‘The Marathon Clothing’. This was Nipsey’s clothing brand that was closely embedded with his music and offered exclusive content.

According to many sources Nispsey was shot by an individual who was trying to be a rapper and was accused of snitching. He was known around the neighborhood and was never flagged as a threat to Nipsey. He was later arrested attempting to check into a mental health institution and charged with murder.

Nipsey was murdered in broad day-light in front of his own store in the middle of his gangs territory.

The Game giving his L.A brother his condolences:

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A brother, father, and husband is only the surface layer of what describes Nipsey Hussle. Nipsey was cool with everyone and influenced positivity everywhere he went. There was never anything bad to say about his character.

Nip was also a successful entrepreneur, hip-hop artist, and activist. He was one of the first rappers to bring back his success to his own hood and make it flourish. He wanted to be the one to support his community by funneling his money back into it. Nip owned all his rights to his music making 100% profit, he was also known for selling his mix-tape for a whopping one-hundred dollars (un-heard of). Nipsey was a pioneer in many ways. Nipsey talked about the importance of investing in your community as well as bettering yourself. He talked a lot about Dr. Sebi and how his teachings are important to living a better life.

Right before his death, Nipsey announced that he will be producing a documentary about Dr. Sebi and how he was murdered and hushed by the government. The timing and how events occurred in Nip’s murder make people want to point to a government conspiracy. This is a reasonable response, but it is important to only talk about facts and what we know is confirmed.

A lot of factors considered in this tragedy seem really suspicious and should be investigated more.

When you hear the name Nipsey Hussle you automatically think of Crenshaw, a neighborhood in south L.A. The murder of Nipsey had/has a huge impact, not only in the hip-hop community but in communities worldwide. His message and mentality were contagious on so many levels. It’s never a positive thing when someone is killed, in this particular case you can say that Nispey’s death helped disperse positivity and work ethic to many different people on a global scale. Nipsey’s official memorial service was held at the Staples Center and was sold-out. Many celebrities and well-known artists flooded Instagram/Facebook and Twitter feeds with love and condolences.

There is so much more to talk about but lets stick to remembering Nipsey Hussle’s HUSTLE. We need to ask ourselves “What are we doing for our community, and how can we improve our quality of life?”

Let’s take Nip’s death and embrace it to encourage change and improvement where it’s needed.

Help support Nipsey’s family in this time of need and mourning by checking out The Marathon Clothing website.

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RIP Nipsey Hussle