Twin Cities Hip-hop Corner

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"The Vibe" featuring Destiny Roberts

“The Vibe” was hosted by Twin Cities own, TEK (local hip-hop artist) and was held at Moxy Hotel in Uptown. “The Vibe” is intended to provide an intimate experience with the artist in a chill-inviting environment. A special thanks to the event curator Sole2Dotz who is also an artist from the TC. This event was sponsored by Culture Piece Magazine.

The venue right off the bat had a super chill feng shui that was dimly lit and decorated tastefully. There was definitely a chill vibe going on and it was greatly appreciated. It’s a bar in a hotel with couches and an open space to socialize. The drinks were great and the art displayed was intriguing.

Destiny Roberts (Moon Melanin Mami)

has a great discography as of now and is looking to release her ROY G. BIV (acronym for the colors of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) project throughout this next year. She debuted her her first release of the project titled ‘The Red Tape’ Sunday night. Ms. Roberts has great vocals and adds melodies to her story telling. She has a great balance of soothing vocals as well as spittin’ that real raw shit. Transitioning between both styles requires fluidity and she has a talent for that. The beats are ill, filled with snares and bass.

She mentioned that each color will have its own mood, which is an excellent concept. Moon Melanin Mami has a great, creative mind that speaks volumes. This intimate show expressed emotions of appreciation for family and simply having respect for the process of life.

The show itself was dope, Destiny Roberts was accompanied by a live band as well as a couple features that she had done work with, one being her brother. Destiny has six more EP’s that she intends on releasing so keep your eyes peeled for the next drop!

Listen to ‘The Red Tape’

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"The Vibe”