Twin Cities Hip-hop Corner

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Local Hip-hop at Solid State Vinyl

Solid State Vinyl is a dope little vinyl store that offers an array of genres to choose from. Solid State offers their space to be used for various intimate shows.

The space itself had a super chill vibe, it was inviting as well as engaging. Shuffling through vinyl prior to the show was fun, plus finding a 2Pac vinyl being displayed on the wall was very encouraging.

This local hip-hop show included three artists; Dungeon The Baptist, Peace The Keeper, and Tuvok The Word. All three artists are lyrically inclined and have a great production team.

The opener; Tuvok The Word has like a modern day-underground LL Cool J vibe. He expressed himself to his significant other through lyrics and beats, creating an admirable display of emotion.

Peace The Keeper was second in the showcase which was a complete 180 from the type of energy that was established prior to his set. Peace The Keeper had a fusion of multiple styles while sticking to a 90’s curriculum. The boom baps were smackin’ and he delivered consistent bars.

Dungeon The Baptist has a very unique voice that is aggressive, setting a demanding tone. Once again the beats were ill as fuck. The music that Dungeon makes is for real Hip-hop heads, the head boppin’ just comes naturally when listening to his music.

Appearance of artists in order below:

The one factor that all these three cats had in common is that they spoke on real-life situations that made you think and appreciate lyrical music. In a world of “Lil’s” we still have a nice selection of lyrically inclined artists right here in the Twin Cities. If you want to listen to real hip-hop that isn’t over saturated with auto-tune and trap beats then you should 100% check these artists out. (don’t get it twisted, still fuckin’ with the trap but got damn)

Stay updated with them on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

There’s more new music dropping soon from the artists mentioned above, so stay tuned!